Thursday, September 6, 2012

Three Things Thursday!

Man, Today I feel like I have more than 3 things to share... but I guess I will try to keep it to just three (while sneaking in some extras along the way).

1. I'm glad that I woke up early this morning and did a 30 minute yoga session. I haven't done any yoga for years, but I keep telling myself that I need to get back in the habit of doing yoga again. I taped an episode of Mind and Body Power Yoga of the Ion network, and just hit play once I woke up this morning. The episode focused on arms, which is something of mine that needs a great deal of attention. The were primarily difficult poses (have you ever done the crow?!?!?), but I tried my best to do as many as I could. There were also A LOT of planks. I am certainly feeling the burn.

I recorded a few more episodes, and i want to try to get in the habit of either starting or ending my day with some yoga. I found that it put me in a very different mind set for the rest of the day. I was running 30 minutes late to my lecture at UCLA today (stupid 405 traffic..), and I managed to remain calm through the entire situation. Normally I get really anxious and angry about those kinds of things... so this was a real surprise.

2. I haven't been drinking a lot of coffee lately, because I am trying to build up my caffeine tolerance until I officially begin grad school. I know I am going to need that caffeine rush for the next two years! But today, I was feeling a little sluggish at lunch. OK, so I literally could FEEL the bags under my eyes, so I decided to pick up am iced coffee with soy and added a splenda. I literally only took a couple mouth-fulls out of it, but it felt so nice, and certainly perked me up for the remainder of my 6 hour lecture on Human Development.
Simply Yum!

Not that I really needed a lot of pepping up... our lecturer was pretty phenomenal! She cursed like a sailor, and was not afraid to get down and dirty while talking about Freud's Psycho sexual stages. Any teacher that likes to over share about their sex life is A-O-K in my book :)

After the lecture I decided to take my first run around the UCLA campus. I'm really not use to dealing with having to stop at red lights, but I tried to make the best out of the situation. I used them as opportunities to either try some speed drills, or do some high knees while running in place. As I was running around, it was hard to believe that this is my current school. UCLA is my dream school, and to actually be a part of the campus is such an amazing experience :)

3. So, when I finally got home today, I had to run some grocery errands to Target and Trader Joe's... Oh darn!!! I came home with WAAAY too may things (including individual packages of kettle korn that are only 70 calories!!!), but when I returned to my car... I found THIS little lady...

Can you see her?!?!

She was just hanging out on my trunk, waiting for me to come to the car :) After our photo shoot, I found a piece of paper and removed him... I didn't want him to have to hang on for dear life while I drove home.

These are just some other photos from my day of things that made me happy. Hope you enjoy :)

My dinner: Sweet Potato bisque soup with Morning star meat crumbles and vegetables

Sunset on my drive home

Dessert: half a bagel, peanut butter and Chocolate soy milk :)

Do you enjoy doing Yoga?!?! What helps you find your Ohmmmmmm?!?!

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