This is my "Spring Break" week... but to be honest, I do not feel like I got much of a break. I have been so busy getting to meetings, going to appointments, running, having interviews and being there for people in my life that there really wasn't much time for relaxation. Please, do not take this as me complaining... at this point in my life, I am happy to have so many commitments and exciting things to be a part of. I just wish that I could have slept past 6am at least ONCE this week!
Well, Today was that day... and it felt GREAT to sleep in until 8:15!!! Before we get to today... lets have a short recap of my week
Today is Friday, and I could not be happier :) I slept in until 8:15, went for a solid run, and am now doing some service at the suicide prevention center. After my shift we are going out to dinner at one of the Family's favorite Deli's. I have already decided that I am going to order the build your own salad with a side of vegetables in order to keep myself from picking foods that may trigger me to binge. I am also excited, because I have the next 3 days off and ALL TO MYSELF to do with what I please :). I may actually get to have a spring break after all :)
I am a little nervous about the fact that Easter is coming up and I am going to be around my family, which means a lot of unsafe food territory. I still have to try and plan out my meals for the day in order to keep myself in program. I am planning to go to an early meeting and then do my long run before heading out to be with family, so I think I will be OK... but I know my disease can be cunning and baffling so I can not afford to let my self slip :/.
I have also been thinking a lot about the fact that I am still hiding my recovery from the majority of my family. Part of the program is to look at our character defects and work with our Higher Power to relieve ourselves of them. One of my defects is my dishonest and manipulation of other people in my life, particularly my family and loved ones. So, it is hard for me to keep this wonderful thing from my family because I feel as though it is enabling my defects. I'm not sure when, or how, I will tell my family. I have toyed around with talking to my mother about it AFTER I have hit the 30 day mark, but that is coming up pretty soon (I am on day 19 of my abstinence... WHOO HOO!!!), so I'm not sure that I am ready to do that just yet. I am going to pray about it, and maybe do some writing on it over the next couple days and see what solutions come to me.
I just had a wonderful thing happen to me while at the call center. I was talking to one of the other volunteers about racing (she is also a runner and doing the Hollywood Half Marathon next weekend) and we were talking about strength training and cross training as part of our programs and I mentioned how I need to do more upper body and core work to help improve my running and overall health in order "To get sub 1:47". How I wrote it is exactly how I said it, and she assumed that I meant my weight (not race PR). She quickly told me that there was no reason for me to EVER want to be that low. She said that she thought I looked small for my size, and healthy at the same time and that I was perfect just the way I am. (OK... not her exact words, but something along those lines ;) ).
This is just one of those moments where I wish that I saw myself through the same eyes that other people saw me. When I stepped on the scale today, I weighed in at 148.2... and I feel like I weight 160. I wish that I could say that I felt like I was the perfect size... but I don't. However, I am currently in a place to accept that I am what I am, and there is nothing better that I can be. For today, 148.2 is a WONDERFUL size, and I am grateful that I can wake up almost everyday and run a few miles. I appreciate all that my body allows me to do, and hope that it continues to let me do it.
This post was suppose to be about Balance... but it turned in to so much more than that... I am going to write up a separate post about that topic.
Take Care!!!
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